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Besides working hard for us, our hands are also exposed to a lot elements such as dirt, moisture, and other pollutants on a daily basis, that can build up under your nails and cause problems. As a result of this, it is a good idea to have a deep cleaning, so the dead skin cells on your hands can be removed and will also encourage new cell growth, leaving your nails stronger and healthier. 


Regular manicures also remove dirt from under your nails and hard-to-reach places, thus keeping your nails strong and healthy. 

At every appointment, a minimum of  basic cuticle work, shaping, personalised Ethos Treatment, mirror top coat are included as standard.

For those looking for that something extra, we also off a Luxury Manicure which includes tidying the nails, cuticle work, personalised Ethos Treatment, mirror top coat. A refreshing exfoliation to remove dry skin, followed by a lower arm and hand massage with creamy hydration lotion, to really get all that moisture where it needs to be. The service is finished cuticle oil. 

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